Kuk Sool Won

To quote KJN Gene Gause...

"I could tell you, but then I'd have to Pyung Soo you."

I have been advised to offer no translation of these names, and no explanation of their applications. At such time as Kuk Sah Nym deems you ready to learn these principles, you will be taught them. Let it be sufficient that you know these principles exist, and that there is high level study available to the Kuk Sool Won practitioner from the beginning of his training through to the end.

Keeping secrets is folly, ergo the revelation can be found below:

DU GEOM BEOP : 두검법 : 二劍法 : "two sword principle" - since it would be difficult to wield two swords that aren't balanced, assuming the blades used for such practice were made as a matched pair, or what is commonly referred to as 'twin swords' is perfectly reasonable
